SunEdu -2013 Solar Povered Learning Environment for off-grid rural areas in Africa.

The SunEdu project developed an electronic learning environment concept to enable off-grid and rural schools to access up-to-date educational materials. By combining renewable energy, low-power electronics, and existing telecommunications networks, it is possible to put ‘books’ in the hands of the most distant student.

LEIA Media provided us with ePaper prototypes that we modified for our purposes. The solar panels were provided by Suntrica.

Indoor Positioning 2012-2013

An RFID based indoor locationing system for an elderly care home. This system helps preventing falling accidents of the residents with memory diseases and decreased mobility. We conducted a LEGO- serious play event with the nurses to get familiar with a usual day in their work. We also determined key points that lead to possible accidents such as a resident falling and not being able to get back up.


Speaking Keyring - 2012

An RFID tagging device that was developed during the HEA project. It is a device that helps the elderly people with visual impairment to tag and identify items and store information on RFID stickers

Sakara- lamp in whole - 2011 PMMA and aluminum clips

Sakara- lamp detail - 2011

Vacuum molding one of Sakara lamps sections - 2011

Cubica lamp - 2010 PMMA and Birch
2-o-clock - 2009 PMMA

Local display for an oil humidity sensor - 2008

Eyeglasses Cellulose acetate - 2007